Sephora Collection
The Sephora Collection relaunched with a new line of products to help simplify the buying process for our clients. It was an overarching 360 campaign to celebrate and promote the in-house product launch. The web and mobile experience allowed client’s to interact with the swipe-it, shop it widget, inspired by Tinder and other dating apps. Once she finishes swiping, the screen will advance to all her “liked” products gallery, and easily add to cart.
The beauty uncomplicator is a fun mad-lib experience that lives on the Sephora Collection homepage. This provides an opportunity for the client to discover and play with her choice of color, product and feature. After customizing the mad-lib phrase, the client can advance to view the results as well as explore the new line of products.

Holiday Campaign
Gifting was the theme for the end of year holiday celebrations. I teamed up with copywriters, and art directors to develop and flush out the concept for digital photography and interactive design to support this 360 campaign.

GIFT CARDs Landing
Our goal was to refresh the Gift Cards homepage for desktop, android (mweb), and ios.
Skin Innovation
This 360 marketing campaign promoted the skin care hydration products at Sephora.

Sephora introduces a variety of programs such Color iQ and Mini Makeovers using large format walls and external spaces. In the omni-channel team, I had a hand in the concept and final design execution through print and digital medium.